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Awareness Programmes

PRERANA is conducting regular social education and awareness programmes on different burning topics and issues. Under this programme PRERANA has been conducting meetings, seminars, motivation camps, Poster, campaigns and newspaper advertisements on different issues of National and International importance like drug dedication, National Integration, Dowry prohibition, literacy, consumer welfare, road safety campaigns and other awareness generation programmes. These activities are being implemented with participation of youths and students of schools and colleges.

preranaCurrent Activities

Use our personalized e-certificate to greet someone with trees to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, festival or special occasion or to offset your carbon emissions.

Use our personalized e-certificate to greet someone with trees to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, festival or special occasion or to offset your carbon emissions.


preranaOur Activities

Use our personalized e-certificate to greet someone with trees to celebrate a birthday.



preranaCurrent Activities